Friday, 3 May 2019

Leaning Tower of Nevyansk. Treasure map or Engineering blunder?

I had a dream of a leaning tower; a tomb and a giant figurine of Jesus. I couldn't remember the exact date because I am not among those person who keep tracking their dreams. Yesterday while I was working on my computer I searched for leaning towers around the world and to my surprise I saw the exact same tower. Wow! Its thousands of miles from here in Russia and it did made its way to my dream astonishingly.
Source: ТаКаэлло/Wikimedia Commons

I sat there at my table wondering what my dream was trying to tell. Then I remembered a story from the Alchemist. I came up with an idea and some drawings.

The lean angle from the base of the tower and with the same angle at the top will create an isosceles at some distance. An observer will find that the tower is not leaning at that point. There may be something buried underneath; a treasure or perhaps some evidence of religious significance.
 The line joining the towers will sweep an area similar to that of an ellipse but with the plane tilted like our solar system. It's all a mystery!