Thursday, 2 April 2020

India may be the next epicentre.

India is struggling to contain the pandemic since the first case reported on January 30. TBH I am not creating a panic scene here but what my intuition tells me with those statistics coming up on WHO and health ministry websites every day is fucking real. I collected some data from Wikipedia and the ministry of health and family welfare and came up with a graph and visual amid this lockdown.
I have graphed using Excel 2007 and collected primary data (as on 02 April 2020, 12:00 GMT +5:30) from sources as mentioned above.
SOURCE: Wikipedia 

Earlier in one of my videos, I have explained how exponential growth works. It's how we calculate projections and is very accurate. Seeing India's density and health care, we may hit half a million by the end of June. Many believe we are in Stage 3 of the outbreak. Let's pray that the numbers do not double in the coming weeks because it would be a major problem as the numbers are already high.
      Missing home so bad. I pray that this pandemic ends soon. Please take care.