Friday, 14 May 2021

How elite people control the world.

Amazing how Bitcoin grew in value when Tesla accepted Bitcoin as payment from customers. Everybody wanted to get a piece of cake in the market. However many of us don't know how stock markets work, take for me. How a single tweet can manipulate the market value up or down is astonishing.

                                     Source: wallpaper access

          I know someone bought a whole lot of shares in Dogecoin when the share price was less. Then came memes about Dogecoin and later Elon Musk took polls asking if Tesla should accept Dogecoin as payment. Nearly 80% agreed to the move. Just day before yesterday, Elon tweets Tesla won't accept Bitcoin as payment from customers as it generates hell lot of Carbon footprints. Now, tell me will the cryptocurrency 'Dogecoin' share price go up or down? Musk's effect! See it for yourself...