Friday, 5 February 2016


I remember Steve Teron put in the picture about ‘The Alchemist’. He explained to me about ‘The principle of favorability’ or ‘The beginner’s luck’ but didn’t give any aspects of the book, which held my interest. At that moment I learned that he is a type of person who loves reading novels. Besides he keeps a keen interest in writing songs and moderating comments in social media. We shared many common interests and whenever we had time we discuss concerns and no-nonsense. However, we end up talking irrelevant stories sometimes that do not last long because we both have a low tolerance for bullshit. At the present, he is doing remarkable and I’m happy that his hotel keeps him on the go all the time {laughs}….
        I read “The Alchemist” after a friend of mine (Urmi Tissopi) recommended the book to me. She gave me this amazing book while we were heading back home from Gauhati and I totally agreed that it is a must-read. After spending hours on this book I guess I was finally ready to grasp the deeper message about following our hearts. It is a simple lesson yet many people do not understand that they need to live their own lives. The main point I took from the book was that we should follow our heart and trust our instinct. There is so much that we still need to learn about each other and about ourselves. So many things are possible and we have a long way to go before reaching our goal. Indeed Santiago’s journey only made sense at the end of the book.
        It really is one of the most amazing stories told and everywhere I go people still talk about this amazing little book. Especially I like the thing about mistakes because I know it from my own experience. “Mistakes have to be made in order to make progress”. I really enjoyed reading 'The Alchemist'. 10/10

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