Friday, 15 June 2018

No sound without silence

Friday, June 15: Since the 44th Karbi Youth Festival, my daily routine is to get up at 5, clean myself and set off for chores. As usual, the alarm woke me up today and later I was off to my hotel. I got there and grabbed a bucket to fetch some water. It was about to rain. Minutes later I was exhausted and stood there for a while thinking about Russia 5-0 win against Saudi Arabia last night. Soon it started raining heavily. I rushed for shelter and then I saw a couple fighting verbally at a distant. I got inside my hotel with my tee drenched to the skin. I watched them through a peephole hiding because I knew them both. The guy is my high school senior and the girl is my neighbor currently studying in Delhi. I observed them for a while and then something terrible happened. The guy slapped her twice and then there was a pause for like 10 seconds. Then they turned their backs and went their separate ways. The girl headed towards me. I was inside and could see her cry in the rain. She didn’t wipe it; she was bold and cried in a cool way. I just thought for a moment that if I was there I could have stopped that guy. But then I thought, it’s their personal issue so it’s okay I stayed out of it. I was hurt and thinking that men are harsh (including me). Wondering why only women have to be the victims in almost every relationship. It’s absolute we have so many expectations from life, but at the same time, we should not disregard the difficulty coming our way. Because it's major bullshit when you look back at life after some point and regret going through years on that road. We can change. This moment, only this moment...

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