Friday 20 September 2024

Just a reminder that I am still alive.

Can you imagine? I haven't posted anything this whole while. Well actually I was too busy with my masters and now I'm working in a project at my parent department. Glad to see that so many people landed here while I was away. I keep looking to writing always. Heartiest thanks to everyone & for everything!

The mighty Sone Beel
Standing firm at Asia's 2nd largest wetland, the mighty Sone Beel.

Monday 25 October 2021

'Hacker X' The guy who built a fake news empire and fooled millions of Americans!

So literally, there is a guy named Robert Willis whose job in a company was to build traffic, target audiences, and earn handsome money. But his boss knew that he was a social liberal and fiscal conservative guy and had no issues fucking any political party/figure. So, he tells him to use his skills to delude people and let Trump triumph. Then from ground zero, he built hundreds of fake Facebook pages and websites to spread lies and fear among millions of Americans, and Hillary Clinton was the target. And even during the pandemic, he fueled protests like anti-vaccine, anti-mask movements, which is still going on to date. But, now he finds that his family is victims of his master plan and believes in those made-up stories rather than the mainstream media, and his father doesn't want to be vaccinated; he is screwed completely. So now he realizes what's at stake and decides to bring it to the public. 

Source: arstechnica

      It's a lesson learned how the American media and people were so centric about Russian involvement in the 2016 US prez election. Nobody wanted to fact-check the information/misinformation and blindly accepted what they heard. But now that the truth is in front of us, I hope most people have washed their eyes. And it is indeed an eye-opening fact that people are manipulated and controlled so easily by technologies these days. See here.

Saturday 11 September 2021

Did I discover a hidden World War II airfield?

I'm always fascinated by the stories my elder told me. And one such story was about an airfield in the mountains of Singhason. I did some research on Google; however, I couldn't find any old record of an airfield in East Assam. But to my amazement, look what I found!

Source: Google Maps

The approximate length of the field is around 600 meters when calculated from Google Maps. I am giving you the coordinates so you can see it for yourself. Lat 26.31208 and long 93.56623

Friday 6 August 2021

Developmental biology & Stonehenge.

Is it possible that the early civilization already had the notion of developmental biology before the invention of a microscope? Well this is what this post is not about.

Source: Google
Source: Google

Source: Google
Source: Google

Saturday 31 July 2021

'The Voids' home of type III civilization (Fiction).

Space and time are influenced by gravity and by 'Voids' I mean position in space where the net gravity is infinitesimally small or null. These are places within a galaxy or between galaxies and in order to navigate through these, the technological advancement of modern human is of no comparison. Only a galactic civilization (Type III on Kardashev scale) i.e. a civilization in possession of energy at the scale of its own galaxy can navigate these voids.


         These voids are really special because there is nothing to bend the fabric of space and time and as imagined time would be meaningless. May be these are home to ancient visitors from the sky or civilization where individuals live for thousands of years. Just curious!

Friday 14 May 2021

How elite people control the world.

Amazing how Bitcoin grew in value when Tesla accepted Bitcoin as payment from customers. Everybody wanted to get a piece of cake in the market. However many of us don't know how stock markets work, take for me. How a single tweet can manipulate the market value up or down is astonishing.

                                     Source: wallpaper access

          I know someone bought a whole lot of shares in Dogecoin when the share price was less. Then came memes about Dogecoin and later Elon Musk took polls asking if Tesla should accept Dogecoin as payment. Nearly 80% agreed to the move. Just day before yesterday, Elon tweets Tesla won't accept Bitcoin as payment from customers as it generates hell lot of Carbon footprints. Now, tell me will the cryptocurrency 'Dogecoin' share price go up or down? Musk's effect! See it for yourself...

Tuesday 6 April 2021

A battery made from nuclear waste that could last 28,000 years. Seriously?

We all thought that nuclear energy was a clean source of energy until we found out the problem with disposing the nuclear waste. Many thought of getting rid by dumping it into space , in the polar ice caps, oceans, and lands, until this genius invention surfaced. This is an engineering marvel that'll replace the rest of conventional energy source. Made my day!

                                Image source: NDB

Sunday 14 February 2021

Reminiscing my young me with song that made me feel all my earthly pain fade elsewhere.

Life is so beautiful and yet we seek for it elsewhere. Trying to find happiness in materials and apparel that doesn't match the emotion hiding behind our faces.

Source: Google
Our perception of life is so wrong. We are so blinded by greed, jealousy, anger, and guilt that we unsee the beauty of life and happiness at our disposal. Without a second thought in my mind, for me real happiness is God, my family, my friends, and my music. These are the key elements for what and where I am today.

                                           Source: YouTube

Sharing with you my all time favorite song "Tum hi se" by Lucky Ali. Back then in my highschool days I listened to this on a walkman cassette player. I hope you know what I'm talking about  and there's no generation gap between us (laughs).

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Sexual cannibalism

At first glance, it seems very unusual but when you see it in evolutionary terms, it's wonderful. Having your sexual partner for dinner? Anyone? I'm just kidding!

                                    Source: YouTube


Image source: Phil Hastings

Headless male doing his deed. But look how happy the female is!

Sunday 22 November 2020

Cyber security as we don't know.

Amazing how I got spike in page views last 24 hours from Russia. This comes after my post about nuclear fallout and escape pods. My email and numbers have been a part of data breach several times. I know nothing is safe here, not even free cloud storage providers.

Screenshot from analytics

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Nuclear escape pods will be selling like hot cakes in the future.

I don’t know any manufacturer making nuclear escape pods for commercial. But I’m pretty sure someone will come up with the idea one day.

Source: Artstation

Because not every country has fallout shelter as in Sonnenberg tunnel, Switzerland (I don’t know if it’s still operational). But if it was in India they’ll harbor every politician of the ruling power and high profiles. Civilians won't stand a chance.


Source: Artstation

I hope scientific community can make such technology cheaper than a Buggati.  Just wondering!

Tuesday 17 November 2020

'For the Boss' - Mercy Sumi

I just came across this crazy woman in Twitter and I discovered that we had so many things in common. We started to grow connection and then one day we went AWOL. Where ever you are, I wish you all the well.

For the Boss.

“Life is not easy here”- he is often heard of chanting this,

Dark continent been a home to him over decade long, this weary man longing to leave the place.

With deep dramatic sorrow of never been passed a smile impinging his heart from the native girl there.

Oh Dark continent, why are you not so kind to this very kind man?

Can’t you see how lovingly he associates with anyone in pain? Purest art of loving one another, only few knows.

This man often seen struggling to detach warrior vehicle from thick pasted sticky mud. These roads are studborn!! Wait, is there a road??

A dear soul, heart full of love to share, with utmost genuinity, a beautiful human even alcohol deserve to die with guilt to defy someone as him.

May be love is more of giving then receiving. If so, you are just doing it so right.

Mind embedded with unblemish beauty of exotic landscape, mesmerising hills. How blessed are those eyes!

I leave a prayer that coming future grace you with love – so much love, all your pain, scar and fear melts away in that warm embrace. This short life, I’m glad you passed by leaving behind wisdom, quality talks. Sweet agape love! All my love, Mercy Sumi. 

Source: Google

( This one is for a very kind stranger who made me realize there is still so much goodness in people. Keeping this write-up so that I will never forget the meaningful encounter.- Sumi)


Thursday 2 April 2020

India may be the next epicentre.

India is struggling to contain the pandemic since the first case reported on January 30. TBH I am not creating a panic scene here but what my intuition tells me with those statistics coming up on WHO and health ministry websites every day is fucking real. I collected some data from Wikipedia and the ministry of health and family welfare and came up with a graph and visual amid this lockdown.
I have graphed using Excel 2007 and collected primary data (as on 02 April 2020, 12:00 GMT +5:30) from sources as mentioned above.
SOURCE: Wikipedia 

Earlier in one of my videos, I have explained how exponential growth works. It's how we calculate projections and is very accurate. Seeing India's density and health care, we may hit half a million by the end of June. Many believe we are in Stage 3 of the outbreak. Let's pray that the numbers do not double in the coming weeks because it would be a major problem as the numbers are already high.
      Missing home so bad. I pray that this pandemic ends soon. Please take care.

Saturday 31 August 2019

Mysterious object spotted hovering in the skies of Diphu in an old photograph of late 60's.

I was hanging with Sarlongri the other day when we both spotted an unidentified object in the frame. "Wow longri look at that I think I just spotted a ufo OMG!". Longri said, "It's not unusual!".
Source: Facebook

In the frame, an unidentified object can be seen on the right of the power transmission tower. Fact or fiction? It's your call. Weird that UFO's have been spotted in recent years and that is the least of our concern. 
       I have been waiting to be abducted by aliens since I started watching conspiracy videos of "real ufo spotted in Nevada" and "real mermaids spotted in Denmark".

Friday 3 May 2019

Leaning Tower of Nevyansk. Treasure map or Engineering blunder?

I had a dream of a leaning tower; a tomb and a giant figurine of Jesus. I couldn't remember the exact date because I am not among those person who keep tracking their dreams. Yesterday while I was working on my computer I searched for leaning towers around the world and to my surprise I saw the exact same tower. Wow! Its thousands of miles from here in Russia and it did made its way to my dream astonishingly.
Source: ТаКаэлло/Wikimedia Commons

I sat there at my table wondering what my dream was trying to tell. Then I remembered a story from the Alchemist. I came up with an idea and some drawings.

The lean angle from the base of the tower and with the same angle at the top will create an isosceles at some distance. An observer will find that the tower is not leaning at that point. There may be something buried underneath; a treasure or perhaps some evidence of religious significance.
 The line joining the towers will sweep an area similar to that of an ellipse but with the plane tilted like our solar system. It's all a mystery!

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Google to shut down G+ on April 2, 2019. RY*KiddingMe?

9 years past when I had my first gmail account. The moment I bought home a personal computer; I had my Orkut, G+ and Twitter account done. Precisely in May 2011, when 4G didn't make any appearance in the market. The dealer I bought my PC had a forum in Orkut where members can download software without charges. I was doing bad in school because I had access to the forum and played games all the time. I didn't find it amusing spending time on Twitter, G+ or Orkut but watching porn! yes absolutely. But it was fun back then {I mean slow internet}, because our phones had no WiFi-hotspots; instead we had Nokia PC suite that allow computers to connect to the internet. Can you imagine using 2G cellular networks on computer? We went through it.

      Recently Google announced to shut down its G+ for consumer accounts. Part of me just died after reading this article on Yahoo. I designed my blog template with +1 Button, G+ followers, badge and share links. That's injustice!

Friday 15 June 2018

No sound without silence

Friday, June 15: Since the 44th Karbi Youth Festival, my daily routine is to get up at 5, clean myself and set off for chores. As usual, the alarm woke me up today and later I was off to my hotel. I got there and grabbed a bucket to fetch some water. It was about to rain. Minutes later I was exhausted and stood there for a while thinking about Russia 5-0 win against Saudi Arabia last night. Soon it started raining heavily. I rushed for shelter and then I saw a couple fighting verbally at a distant. I got inside my hotel with my tee drenched to the skin. I watched them through a peephole hiding because I knew them both. The guy is my high school senior and the girl is my neighbor currently studying in Delhi. I observed them for a while and then something terrible happened. The guy slapped her twice and then there was a pause for like 10 seconds. Then they turned their backs and went their separate ways. The girl headed towards me. I was inside and could see her cry in the rain. She didn’t wipe it; she was bold and cried in a cool way. I just thought for a moment that if I was there I could have stopped that guy. But then I thought, it’s their personal issue so it’s okay I stayed out of it. I was hurt and thinking that men are harsh (including me). Wondering why only women have to be the victims in almost every relationship. It’s absolute we have so many expectations from life, but at the same time, we should not disregard the difficulty coming our way. Because it's major bullshit when you look back at life after some point and regret going through years on that road. We can change. This moment, only this moment...