Monday, 5 October 2015

Happy World Teachers Day

       I came across this blog post from my social friend. She is from Kohima and a true vegabond in spirit {laughs}. She started writing since 2013 & she recently turned 21 on 5th of September. Its World Teachers Day so I would like to share this lovely post with you. I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you, Teacher(Teacher’s Day Special)
       Thank you LKG teacher, for you taught me the ABCs, the 123s and of course the countless nursery rhymes. You were my first teacher, my guide, an angel in disguise. I don’t remember how good or bad your voice was but I do remember how you would patiently sing us all the nursery rhymes in your softest voice. So, thank you for teaching me how not to cry every time my mum leaves my sight for believing in me.
       Thank you, English teacher, for today I’m here because of you. Though I was never the best student in your class I would still sit quietly in the corner listening to every word {I must have missed some while taking naps in between} you said. I know how cruel the world is and that there are so many people out there who are waiting just to pounce on us, with their ‘know everything’ face, when we forget to put even a full stop in our sentence. I can’t imagine what it would’ve been like if I’d not heeded your advice back then even when nobody was ready to. So, thank you for saving me from all those Grammar Nazis or so, they call themselves. Now that I mentioned all these I bet there will still be someone out there reading this and scrutinizing each and every sentence with their sharp eagle eyes.
        Thank you Math teacher, for you taught me how to count and check whether I still have all my ten fingers intact or not. Though I never really liked math, I still enjoyed sitting in your class because I enjoyed watching you give names to students who couldn’t cross the ‘Zero scores bar and luckily for me I wasn’t among them so I didn’t have to go through all those humiliating moments. Though I never got to use all your formulas and solutions, I just wanted to say Thank you, for without you I would never have crossed high school.
        Thank you Science teacher, for you taught me that there is still hope for me as long as I sit under a tree and wait for the apple to drop whenever I run out of ideas. You help me understand how boys and girls are complicated in their own ways and why they never seem to like the same things. You taught me why we can never fly like the birds because of the s- called gravity. I just wish you had taught me how to get wings at least tho. But I still want to say Thank you, for without you I would never have been where I am today now.
        Thank you Social Science teacher, for me, you taught me that History is not just about dates. You helped me realize that Gauhati was just a dot on the world map and that more than 50% of the people still don’t know where Assam really is. You taught me how to draw the India map though I still get confused where all the states are located on the map. And though you failed to convince me to like political science, deep down in my heart I’m grateful because I can’t imagine myself getting involved in the mess. So, thank you for that.
         Thank you Hindi teacher, for you taught me how to score good marks in Hindi even when I didn’t understand half the lesson by letting me know that there was still hope if I had my memorizing game on. Though I would never understand why writing is never easier than reading them out, I’m still glad I could read at least. I never became a fluent Hindi speaker, but I Thank you for at least helping me remember the basics.
        Thank you drawing teacher, for your class was the only class we looked forward to with eagerness. You taught me how to draw the apple or the ball or the beautiful sceneries. You were my inspiration and at one point you even had me wanting to be like you and draw all those perfect drawings. Thank you, for today I like art because of you.
          We may no longer be students or attending high school but still, we remember our teachers who molded and shaped us. Take time to appreciate them for they are the reason for who you are and where you are today.

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